go-out comrade

_ Gets to know you

_ Follows events worldwide

_ Suggests your daily event

_ Asks your opinion

Get it.

Android app on Google Play iOS app on App Store

Best events.

Yu go is a mobile app that suggests cultural events by searching the world’s database of events.


Based on your cultural preferences and your current location this will be your optimal personalized event suggestion.


Say NO GO YES to help YU GO learn about you. Rate the event after attending to help YU GO build your profile.

Yugo app


GZS logotip
Diversity logotip


PILOT PARTNERS (event listing providers, event promoters, ticket sellers)

  • get free access to recommendation technology
  • get sales, clicks, UX, mobile app
  • test the YU GO technology on your events and users

DATA FEED PARTNERS (event organisers willing to enhance our event database)

  • get prioritised access to recommendation technology
  • get data feeds

TECH PARTNERS (developers of recommendation algorithms)

  • get real world test data: 55.000 cultural events yearly, more than 10.000 feedback items
  • get cutting edge recommendation system technology

INVESTORS (developers of recommendation algorithms)

  • get a share in an innovative, high-tech start-up
  • offer business and financial support


Projekt delno financira Evropska unija, in sicer iz Evropskega socialnega sklada. Projekt se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov za obdobje 2007–2013, 1. razvojne prioritete "Spodbujanje podjetništva in prilagodljivosti ter prednostne usmeritve" 1.3. "Štipendijske sheme", v okviru potrjene operacije "Po kreativni poti do praktičnega znanja".

The project is partially financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund. The project is implemented under the Operational Programme Human Resources Development for the period 2007-2013, 1st Development Priority "Promotion of entrepreneurship and adaptability, and the priority orientation 1.3. "Scholarship schemes" within the approved operation "The creative way to practical knowledge."

Ess logotip
Skladi logotip
Mizš logotip